SaunaSuit Member


  • May I please offer a diffrent sugestions: I had 18teeth pulled in 2008 because of cancer. So I have no teeth and that denture is like chewing on rubber when you eat its just too hard to wear them. For $1800.00 they could beable to eat with them. Anyway I live on a liquid diet 70% of the time. Even today, I have Strawberrys…
  • It has taken me a life time to lose weight, every time I have done it I lose massive weight and then keep it off for quite a few years until my heart gets broken, and then my hand and mouth become best friends. When you have cancer most people think you would look like a skinny rat but it kills your immune system and its…
  • AnnPT77: Being at the time 34yrs ago! Being Married, with 2 kids, and one day your in the car with your husband and he turns his head and remarks! I wish you had Big booobs like she does~ You take it as a joke, then he turns his head and says, I like a size C at least~ Smart assss me remarks~ Well if you want them then go…
  • steveko89, I have set the cellphone alarms to wake me up and I jump out of bed, put on my sauna suit and go out at 4am walk/jogging. I don't even think twice about it. I just grab what I need which takes 3 min and I am GONE to walk with the moon and stars, to talk orlisten to the birds calling. To make the dogs bark when I…
  • P.s. Last~ I spent over 44yrs reading everything, and every book upside down. So tonight I want you to take your Reading book by your bed, Turn it up side down and spend 25min reading it from the left side to the right side then tell me (Did it make any since too you) were you confused, did the plot not make since. Because…
  • carlsonak7 Why? Why have you gained so much weight, is it a health issue like mind, having cancer 2's and now having Alzhiemers. Is it a broken heart like mine when I husband at 38yrs old had a affair and left his wife and kids for another women. Is it a Job issue like mine where because of the cancer I had to shut down my…
  • Rubbish about the cabbage diet! I'm down 67lbs so it works and I am never hungry and I have no cravings for other foods. So I love cabbage diet, it has all the veggies one needs with roots and spices, herbs. I guess the long term is not needed with me, I like the short term goals I accomplish them faster and in that I feel…
    in Advice Comment by SaunaSuit May 2018
  • I'm down 3lb over night, and I didn't even exercise yesterday! That day break did me good! I am almost to 260lb from 327lb. so I am jazzed~
  • Good Morning to a 4.0 EarthQuake in Cally~ A Vocano is erupting! any Sacraficers? We must sacrifice the Old Crazy Woman to the Volcano God or it will destroy us all. OO' ooo! Me! me! first~
  • I love to work out with these girls, its a great workout! I like to find videos all over the world and work out with them, I also like to go back in history and eat what the first people ate for meals. So I can say this, Have a lot of fun on your diet! make it fun so you don't hate it. 70% veggies raw or steamed, 10% fruit…
    in Advice Comment by SaunaSuit May 2018
  • Wow! tirowow! That is Fantastic~ Hats off to you and that gives me so much hope. you can leave me a note how you accomplished that it might give me a better outcome. thanks and Good night!
    in BMI Comment by SaunaSuit May 2018
  • You will lose your milk! I know that for fact! I would wait until you are done with your breast feeding. I breastfed for 12months with my daughter and 11months with my son. she was a every 3hrs baby and He was a every 45min feeder. Ya! They both started on homemade babyfood at 3months old. The never had formula. but that…
  • A poor growing season. The funny thing is my entire town is filled of Orange trees~ Grapefruit and Dates trees. Last year, that was a great year for fruits. Sunny Cally~
  • I'm sorry about my spelling, I have been Dyslexic my entire life and I have a Learning Disability, I have tried and I check all my work with Word Document, I write, copy then correct as much as I can sometimes it just does not like my spelling or grammar and then copy and again and past, it takes me a while to do each…
  • 1- How long did you do the liquids for, ((I'm on 5months)). I have Cabbage soup liquid several times a day, I drink puree' fruits; only because It’s hard for me to digest foods, I tried liquid salad not so great so I have to dice it up really small. The cancer took those teeth away~ As for Dentures it’s like chewing on…
  • Immature orange tree – Oftentimes, the first year or two that an orange tree produces fruit, the oranges are dry. This is because the orange tree is simply not mature enough to properly produce fruit. It is for this reason that some growers will prune away any fruit that appears the first year an orange tree or lack of…
  • All oranges are the product of artificial selection that has dramatically altered their genetic make up in ways that would never have occurred naturally. GMOs generally means it was genetically engineered through biotechnology to include snippets of DNA from something nature didn’t put there. GMOs generally means it was…
  • DAAAA~~~ I got it~ for my pain outside of my stomach... I will try it~ I don't have any sores it's just the skin hurts. Thanks so much
  • HISTORY: I was a chubby baby they say, 10yrs old I was about 100lbs. 14yrs old I was 127lbs, 18yrs old 155lbs, 21yrs old came and I was 101lbs, I worked really hard on this. 22yrs old I got baby in my tummy jump to 187lbs. - 103lb with in 6months. Baby 2 came at age 24 in the belly and jumped to 178lbs. - 8months…
  • I am drinking the Salt and Honey~ its Quality Honey. ... I got fresh water from the Frig on the door it has a charco filter. Then put that in a mug and added the honey and sea salt, put in Microwave to heat up~ Not a fan of the taste but if it helps not a big deal. However I am noticising the odd feeling the sugar is…
  • Really~ I had no, NO idea~ I think I have some of that, we eat a lot of pickles in this house~ I normally just throw the juice away~ Do you know of any more things Stanmann? That would help?
  • Person- yes! Natural is digested easily and body loves it , other kind harms your body and has toxins and all. I am suffering from this for the last 2 days~ My daughter bought some Oranges, Not realizing they are GMO's and I can say they had no juice, it was like Dry and I think it packed up in my body~ So much I had to…
  • Just found this: anyone have anything to say about this? Just trying to help myself~ With all the great advice. And extra help! I thank you~ Until I can get to a doctor~ I have to do what I can to help myself Now~ A Rehydration Solution Recipe Many people falsely believe that sports drinks contain a good mixture of the…
  • [/quote] no matter what you weigh, you are more beautiful than ANY of them!!! [/quote] You'll have made my day~ for once I don't feel crazy~ And a lot of you have helped me find the reason, for all of this and that is a gift in it's self. Now! I don't have to be so hard on myself~ <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  • Wednesday: I turn 57yrs old~ What a Journey I have been on~ That is what I get for being a Viking~ LOL Norwegian Viking!
  • RoxieDawn, callsitlikeiseeit Thank you very much, your words of endearment. HUGS. and LOT'S of them.
  • while you deny the medication! I had no choice "Obama Care Ended". No Doctor would take me the last 6months. so when the MEDS ran out? That was that, I had to deal with the OUTCOME. Now! all I can do is wait~ Until she does what she is going to do. I don't drive any more, they sold my car and bought them a truck and car…
  • callsitlikeiseeit I am hoping that your family is lacking in experience and they are not equipped to handle certain aspects! Thank you! I wish I could say or even give them a excuss, but I can't my daughter is a "Microbioligist" and when I go to the doctors she is in the room with me. The day my doctor who she found for…
  • Calcium Calcium is a vital mineral that your body uses to stabilize blood pressure and control skeletal muscle contraction. It’s also used to build strong bones and teeth. Hypercalcemia is when you have too much calcium in the blood. This usually happens due to: hyperparathyroidism kidney disease thyroid disorders lung…