sarahdipendee1 Member


  • I’ve been playing supernatural on the oculus. It’s a great workout and always super fun so I don’t get bored and I’m always able to stay consistent 👍🏼
  • I'm in! I've already been running for about 30mins-1hr just about everyday for going on a week and a half, and plan to continue so let's do it!!
  • Real science? In the link you provided It is clearly opinion based. And doesn't provide any source of information for the statements made. Literally not one. Toxins are very real. Look at each ingredient in packaged foods. Inside cleaning products. Look up the ingredients. Every. Last. One. Do some real reasearch from…
  • I think you mean 'Facebook is not a reliable source of information' And that community is no different than this one that you are placing your opinion in. However that one contains thousands of people who have done it and experienced it and tell their stories of their journey and are not just expressing biased opinions on…
  • Look up "A Healthy Alternative" on YouTube. Great channel and have a whole community dedicated to resetting the body and eliminating toxins ( from food, cleaning products, beauty products, etc) They have a lot of success stories and even have a Facebook group where they have thousands of people that have posted their…