_faedreamer Member


  • I had half a portion of decadent apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and caramel syrup yesterday. It was within my calories for the day (I was actually under by a couple hundred even after the dessert), and I was down .4 lbs this morning. It wasn't the healthiest use of my calories yesterday, and I could have had way more…
  • A bunch of new workout clothes. All my leggings hang on me like baggy pants rather than snug leggings, so I needed to finally size down and get new stuff. Also got some new tank tops since it's getting warm now and a light windbreaker with a hood for the rainy summer. It was v exciting to buy smaller sizes.
  • My breakfast this morning. 2 soft boiled eggs (instant pot win!) and 125g of fresh strawberries. So satisfying and yummy!
  • I think it's fine to log it as long as you're not eating back those calories. Just count it as a little extra boost to your routine that day. As long as you don't eat the calories, it's not hurting anything to log it if it makes you feel better. Do not, however, trust that number as a reason to eat an extra 450 calories…
  • The only macros I really pay attention to are carbs and sugar. As a Type 2 diabetic, I need to keep those under a certain level to keep my blood glucose stable. Otherwise I pay much more attention to CICO as it pertains to losing weight.
  • I try to give in to the cravings every once in a while, with moderation. If I'm craving ice cream, I have some, just a small amount - half a serving or less. If I want bread, I have a slice of whole grain bread, not half a loaf of brioche lol. If I crave ramen I have a third of a package and use my own seasonings, not the…
  • My wife, mostly. I got very sick a few years ago, weight and diet related, and I realized if I kept going the way I was, I'd probably not have near as much time with her as I wanted. It took a while for me to figure out what worked for me to control my health issues and start to get my weight under control, but I finally…
  • Hi there! I'm 5'4", started in March at 248, currently 217. I log daily and my diary is open to friends, feel free to add me, I can use some active friends who share their diary! (This goes for anyone who happens to read this, too, friend me if you're active and have an open diary!)
  • I smoked for 22 years and quit in 2011 at 36, so not far off from you. I decided it was time to stop when I wanted to start exercising more and realized I couldn't handle it with my breathing, it'd gotten so bad. So I went and bought a ton of the gum and smoked my last cigarette sometime in the first week of April that…
  • Get yourself an instant pot, you can whip up a delicious, hearty home cooked meal in less than half an hour. It's changed the way I live, I swear. No excuses for ordering crap when I can make amazing food so quickly and easily.
  • Today's lunch is homemade Japanese curry and sticky, delicious sushi rice. Sooo good.
  • Turning 45 this summer and I'm planning to make this year the best for me, health wise! You can do it, we both can!
  • I'm four pounds from my lowest weight in five years... So hitting that number and blowing past it even lower is my current focus.
  • I finally, finally got my blood glucose under control (type two diabetes here). My body is finally dealing with sugar the way it should again. Diet, portion control and daily exercise... Who knew it could be so simple??
  • My highest weight was 288. I got down to 219 in 2015 and then got sick and ended up gaining back up to 257. A couple rough starts and stops in the past year got me down to 237 and I am currently finally finding my groove. Down fifteen pounds in the last three weeks and confident I'm going to get to goal (160 ish) this time…
  • I want to be able to wear clothes that fit my aesthetic. I'm currently too fat to even hope of getting into the kind of clothes I find cute and would be cute on me. Sick and tired of having to buy clothes old ladies wear. I do have a style, but it doesn't come in my current size. I will never wear floral again I swear to…
  • I had a Starbucks egg and cheese protein box - about two thirds of it, and a grande dark roast with a splash of almond milk and equal as sweetener. Delicious and so filling I didn't end up hungry again until three this afternoon.
  • Went for two 1.5 mile trail walks. Will probably get one more in before bed. I only recently started exercising at all, so I can't go far at once yet, but I'm working on it and go two or three times a day instead of all at once.
  • Kpop. It's got the right amount of energy to keep me moving.
  • My diary is open to friends and I'd love some folks who log daily for encouragement and ideas! Have had trouble finding folks with open diaries even as friends.
  • My diary is open to friends. I don't really understand the point of friending someone on here if you're not willing to share anything with them! I'm definitely looking for active people with open diaries to follow and share the journey with!
  • Spring Day by BTS, a Korean pop group
  • my wife picked up a thin crust frozen pizza for lunch today and I had one quarter of it instead of the half I normally would. So what would have been an almost 600 calorie lunch became a 270 calorie lunch and I feel perfectly full and not hungry. I know it's still not healthy, pizza, but I've been really focusing on…
  • Hi all, I'm 44 in August, married with no children and due to health reasons (and wanting cute clothes reasons!) I'm here to lose roughly 80 pounds. I lost 40 of the 120 I needed to lose and kept it off thank goodness, but have stalled and gone off the rails in the last year. Time to get back on and finish this journey!…
  • Current weight: 241 Short term goal: 211 by my birthday, August 21, only eating out once every two weeks (big one for me, we order/eat out so effing much ugh) Long term goal: 165-170lbs Feel free to friend me, I would love some accountability buddies, my diary is open to friends!