Have you got a beastmaker or other fingerboard? You can do all the pull up variations but then you can really work your forearms and fingers (warm up well first!) and get stupid Popeye-sized forearms!
Thanks again! It’s been surprisingly easy to up the protein for the last few days, it just takes a bit more thought in advance for meals rather than just eating to a calorie target. As you suggest I am going to stick to maintenance calories (about 2200) for a bit and see how I do and then maybe increase or decrease…
Thanks! Some more stuff for me to google! It looks like I need to rethink my runners diet (carbs!) and do my cooking with a calculator.
Thank you both! I hadn’t considered lean body mass and there is a fair amount of me that is not lean! While I am attempting to build some muscle, I am trying not to think about fat. I was almost thinking do an initial training cycle of 6 weeks (to take advantage of beginner gains) and then cut calories back a bit for a…