OpulentSin Member


  • Can’t really say because there are several factors to consider, but in general everything that can relate to your internal and external health. The ones that stand out are: age; nutrition; physical fitness/muscle mass; exercise; health; genetics; drug use (tobacco/otc/scripts/illicit drugs); the rate at which you lose the…
  • Most of the world is getting FAT. Obesity is on the rise; obesity will likely soon be the norm! Clothing lines want to sell clothes and fat people, particularly women, tend not to shop when faced with having to purchase clothes in the double digits, let alone in the twenties or with too many Xs, so clothing manufacturers…
  • “Why does 1 Day Screw Everything Up?“ <— short answer is because YOU LET IT! Long answer... First, don’t be so ridged in your caloric deficit. Construct a plan that allows for a high calorie day, that is a near to slightly over your caloric daily goal, but by week’s end you’ve an overall deficit, as if you dieted every…
  • It seems obvious to me! MFP doubles counts calories expended by failing to account for TIME. You end up receiving credit for the calories you would’ve burned had you done nothing PLUS the calories you burned for the activity you actually did. This can become a BIG PROBLEM for those individuals who need to lose only 10 to…