simonwood1981 Member


  • Hardgainer: Your no 1 goal is to be in a calorie surplus, looks like you have a very high metabolism. Start your morning with a shake. 1 banana 1 tbs of peanut butter 1 scoop of protien powder 1 cup of porridge oats. blend this up and drink 700 - 900calories Workout : 3 x fullbody workouts (compound lifts) find someone who…
  • It all comes down to calories in vs Calories out, the aim is to gain lean muscle mass while keeping bodyfat low. Track your calories, find your maintanence level and go slightly above, don't over do it as you will gain more bodyfat then lean mass. It takes time to gain weight properly, if you are strugling to gain and…
  • Small amount Chicken and rice 1.5 - 2 hours before, if I don't have that, 'll have a banana and a cup of black coffee 30 minutes before workout
  • I would do fullbody training three times a week (stick to compound lifts), keep your protein high, 0.8 - 1 lbs per bodyweight and stay in a calorie deficit until you can see your six pack. It will take time but keeping the calories high will ensure you keep as much lean mass as possible while you lose the fat.