katkoellis Member


  • I love MySugr (iPhone). I used to use Glucose Buddy, but MySugr is more fun! I like that I can easily see my BG average and carb count. It will also estimate A1c. Downsides of MySugr: 1) App text is very small on my phone, and I need to use glasses for it. 2) you can enter meds, but it doesn't show up on the spreadsheet.…
  • Hi! I've been T2 for probably 5 years now. Due to some personal crises 2 years ago (all over now), I started ignoring my diabetes and went from 1metformin/day to 2. 6 months ago my A1c crept up to 7, but a month ago it skyrocketed to over 10! Now I am on glipizide twice/day as well as the metformin, which has helped…