blondie4u76 Member


  • I did 1200 for the majority I’ve raised it to 1600 now and usually eat around 1400, I know it’s cliche, but exercise is very important, I started with just hitting 10000 steps a day, now I usually average 21000-23000 steps a day, start small set small goals, but if u want it eat it and move on
  • Lol my tummy is more saggy than I’d like and my arms, ugghhhg the arms you know what I mean, but they’ve always been that way I guess, I’d love to have it removed but I don’t have that kind of money lol I have walked and built up throughout the year so no I don’t have the hunks of skin hanging off, I did join the Y hoping…
  • Lol been there done that, honestly didn’t think I could ever loose 90 plus lbs, I had my comfy weight, that I exceeded, and just wanted to loose 10-15. Almost 20 came off the first month and I just kept it up, honestly I love the treadmill I love to see the calorie burn, yes in the beginning I was like wow now I can eat…