cheese60 Member


  • HAHA! I had a job once where there was a real dichotomy between the cake people and the pie people. I find cake is usually what the people I know eat at birthdays and stuff though.
  • Oh wow! That makes a pretty big difference!!! Thank you for clarifying!!!
  • Alright, I feel good. Today I got a gym membership and started lifting. I searched for "compound exercises" and someone on the internet shared their routine so for now, I am just copying it. I also upped my calories and cut my cardio basically in half (cuz I added the lifting). I will see how this change affects my BMR and…
  • Thanks for all the feedback! Sounds like I should change my goal from weight loss to fat weight loss and muscle weight gain. It also sounds like while I'm trying to lose fat weight, I need to do more to sustain muscle weight. I'd hate to get to 167 only to find my body fat percent is still too high. Thanks a lot for…
  • Okay, I edited the part about calorie counting electronically. Yes, I'm not really sure what to do about the muscle loss. I have too much body fat (especially visceral fat). I don't want to lose muscle (because that will mean more work later) but that fat has to go. I recently started trying to eat more protein. All the…