Thay said my knees needed to be replaced and I said well who is going to take of my 80 yr old mom with bad problems so lose 80-100 pnds And well that's were im at srarted 330 may 25 today 311 With help from phentermine 37.3 &topamax premier protein shakes could lose more if I quit drinking lol like that gonna happen well…
Tindunies maybe not enough potassium alot things to muxh at one time Jacuzzi works for me if you got access to one
Premier protein shakes work for me great drink one in the morning for breakfast. 30gr protein 1gram fat 160 cals I think. get them at Costco cheap
I just tred water for an hour in morning and half at night same with walking the dog course he's always ready to go lol
Just make sure your only mixer is ice 😃😀 and stay in your limit and no carbs in spirits just cals. Miller lite not bad and on the low side
This is the end. best movie ever seth rogen jonna hill james franko emly watson. all playing there selfs at the end of the world oh and danny mc bride And not a move but old show on hbo east down and bound was the sh#t !!!!
I weigh myself in the morning cause you weigh less do to loss of water weight from respiration if 300 like me it could be as much as 2-4 pnds not kidding. thogh I do have vary large lungs from what the x-rray texs always tell me its why I make my app to mt dietitian early as I can lol hope that helps .just remember a pints…
Celery and radishes work for me and almost no cal or carbs even sone cream cheese on celery is like 50 cals per2 tbsp good luck
Antibiotic cipro caused it for me and someone I know says on the bottle now still got it in elbows sucks
It helps u walk off what you eat lol. bur good app. Gives good nutrition breakdown and other stuff. loss 20 in 1 mnt just walking swining just cut out bread soda juice all the fun stuff hell if I quit drinking I'd lose even more So😅😅