marksmith3774 Member


  • If you eat to few calories your body will feel it is starving and go into a starvation mode. Your metabolism a crawl as the body attempts to retain as much energy as it can. I bet your doc tells you that you aren't eating en Try upping the calories a little at a time. If you gain .....back off the calories again.…
  • Check out Arnold Swarzennegers BluePrint to Mass and follow his diet to a T. My son is a hard gainer and has to eat 5000 calories a day to see gains. You will find it next to impossible to eat clean and get 5000 calories. My son has to use a high quality mass-gainer to get his calories in.
  • Typo .....above ground fruits should be vegetables lol.
  • Every body is different and you need to figure out how your body works. Its a process, but worth it!! Some people are highly sensitive to carbs, I am one of them. Just a semi-educated guess here, but it sounds like you are too. I calculate macros in somewhat of an odd way. Most important is protein. Studies have shown you…