Omaga im so sorry!! I hadn’t clicked on your pic before I replied so I just assumed from the username. I’m incredibly sorry!
Hahahha Living for that Eddie Hall shade though 😂😂 Idk I just worry sometimes. I want to make sure I’m building a good muscle foundation to possibly be able to compete in the future. Thanks for taking the time man! I appreciate that!
Thanks a ton man! That really helps! My current bfp is at about 14% I got measure at 7.3, but I took the number a little higher because I didn’t think it was 100% accurate. I used to do a lot of cardio to cope with depression before I started taking weightlifting seriously (minimum of 7 miles a day plus more cardio and…
I got to about 10% body fat before I started bulking. I started low, 200 calories surplus and kept adding as needed during my progress. At first I gained a lot of muscle while not gaining so much fat. But recently, my body fat has been spiking up significantly more than it did before...
Hey there! Sorry, I meant advanced as in compound exercises. Should’ve been more clear 😅