FibroMomMelissa Member


  • Hi I'm almost 2 weeks into keto! Would love to join challenge and find more friends.
  • Hi I'm new to app and keto. Looking for more friends and accountability buddies. Open diary. I'm a disabled homeschooling mom. I'm a spoonie with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, Chronic muscle weakness/fatigue/spasms, ibs, reproductive health issues, brain fog, etc who has put on 50#s in almost 7 years since…
  • Hi! I just started 12 days ago. Im trying the keto diet for my fibromyalgia and weight. Start weight of 215, already down over 7#s. Looking for fellow keto buddies. I'd live to find other disabled buddies too. I'm on this journey for better health without the ability to exercise because of my health. I use a cane, or…