drcrn101 Member


  • Okiewoman-I laughed at your remark about eyebrows! I always had Hypothyroid Eyebrows and they never grew back quite right after Chemo; my mom sincerely believes that Eybrows and Lipstick are armor to face anything that comes your way! I’m new here, so forgive me if I’m slow on the uptake; I’m trying to cut carbs, but…
  • Seeking ideas; trying to do low carb, but don’t tolerate meat, eggs or raw vegetables due to cancer/cancer surgery. Help!!!!!
    in Low carb Comment by drcrn101 July 2018
  • Hi; I am trying to lose about the same- I’ve got some health stuff from cancer, so it makes it frustrating sometimes!!! How are you?😺
    in Hello Comment by drcrn101 July 2018