OK interestingly enough last two days I’ve only worked out for a half an hour at high intensity on my elliptical for only 30 minutes on an incline of 30 a resistance only 3 , leave it or not that is intense for me on a constant 3.0 -3.4 speed .. I do not have a treadmill so I’m using my elliptical that way also I’ve made…
Workout : 20-30 min elliptical moderate intensity (pouring sweat , definitely cannot sing but with effort i can follow the song with some words with effort) 20-30 Spinning bike and then i switch it up with aerobics with weight training .. I really get bored easily so I try to change it up I live here in Florida it is too…
Haha i know right ! However we all can just do the best that we can , consistently i feel is the key here .. 😊
Thanks again for the input , i noticed that i am short on calories from 100-350 each day , I usually exercise right now an hour which will give me around a 400-700 calorie burn , however I have noticed in the past if I only workout 30 to 40 minutes I would tend to lose more weight ( now that i think about it ) so I’m…
Thank you all so much i will not give up .. again thank you
Ok thank you