ggivensjr Member


  • Found this
  • I found this.
  • Thanks for responding (without the snarkiness). Did the internet search before I posted here and I just get lists like what I was given by the doctor. I guess I should have been more specific and asked for "low-fiber menu" suggestions. I will do what has been suggested in past post and see a RD (registered dietician).
  • I appreciate your response but you're are wrong. Lunch meats are processed meats and are a no, no when on a low-fiber diet. I'm not just looking for food types but for menu suggestions and even recipes for dishes that are low-fiber.
  • Oops, didn't realize this discussion is from 2013.
  • I just go into app (Android) open the diary tab at bottom and use arrow at top to go to next day then, select meal eg breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc, and enter the food and time. It seems to work. It's my understanding MFP works with Google Assistant now but haven't tried it yet.