Gadow18 Member


  • You are not alone in how you feel. 38 here, 10 months ago I had my second- I am recently remarried and moved away from "home" to a new town and new job as stay at home Mom. I worked full time after my first, but that was 6 years ago, and the weight has stuck around both times. I think 2 years after my son, the weight came…
  • A women's multi and a Vitamin D3 per doctors orders. When pregnant, I took prenatal vitamins, and my doctor checked D, and it was very low even with prenatal vitamins. So I figure if my D3 is low on my own, there's probably others low too, and I take the multi as a just in case.
  • My husband and I went with calorie counting/deficit after we tried low carb/atkins/keto without much success. It would work, but we'd end up binging a couple weeks into the program. So far we are like 45 days in, he's down probably 15 lbs, I am down 8, so I guess it's working?