Two weeks in, I have now lost four pounds. I also lost two inches around the waist. Although I agree with those who posted that keto doesn't lead to weight loss/cutting calories does, I think it's important to clarify that keto does change the way that calories are burned in the body, and this is important because keto…
Plus baths are relaxing!
That is also what I LOVE about keto, Crystal
Thanks Crystal! Low kidney means I have about 40% filtering through the kidneys, compared to about 85% that would be normal for someone my age. How long did it take you to start losing weight and not just water weight? Although I worry that I might not be in ketosis so that all the fat I'm eating is not going to burn, I…
Wow, it's great to read all the comments here from those just starting keto. My story is that I did that Atkins diet for three years, and that ended about 12 years ago. When on the diet, my cholesterol and trygliceride levels went way down, so I don't worry about the extra fat in the keto diet. I have been diagnosed with…