SpyLuna Member


  • I read somewhere that this is common for shorter women. I'm sorry I don't remember where the study came from but it happens to me and that's why I researched it to find out why! I found that if I do HIIT exercise this goes away most of the time. Even 15 minutes of HIIT was enough to stop the cravings.
  • I read a study on those body comp scales and they are tremendously inaccurate. They are basically useless. There are local places (some places) where they have those pods and it's fairly inexpensive to use them and they are accurate.
  • I read a study on those body comp scales and they are tremendously inaccurate. They are basically useless. There are local places (some places) where they have those pods and it's fairly inexpensive to use them and they are accurate.
  • I get ravenous when I lift weights too. This was my cycle, Start dieting lose 15 pounds with diet. Add in cardio lose more weight. Start lifting, gain a few pounds in a couple weeks with no change to the diet at this point, then the increased hunger begins and I turn ravenous. I fall off the diet, get discouraged and stop…
  • I find the before and after photos inspirational. However, I'm more sick and tired of people who disregard people as "thin skinned" or whiners, just because you don't appreciate their thoughts or feelings. If someone gets offended by something, I'm okay with that and I 100% respect that is their feelings and I wouldn't try…
  • MFP set me at 1290 cals to lose 1.5 a week and I have 80 to lose (obese) and I set it to active because I work out 5 times a week now. I'm 5'1 so I am no where near "average". I don't eat my exercise calories back because everywhere I read it says most of the time those are overestimated and being so short and allotted so…
  • since i started working out heavily a couple weeks ago I noticed that I am drying out around my nose. I'm actually washing my face more now due to the sweat so I deemed that the culprit- despite applying argan oil every time. I use to have oily skin but found out that my skin was overcompensating for being too dry! so…
  • I was a smoker and yes the more I smoked the less hungry I was. Once your body is use to the up stick of nicotine then it doesn't do that anymore. Now, less hungry doesn't equal lose weight because you could be eating too much when you are hungry. I quit a year and a half ago (since I started smoking a pack a day and was…
  • I've always read and been told that the baby will take what it needs from your body regardless. That being said, as long as your are eating sufficiently and keeping healthy with exercise, you won't deprive yourself or your baby even though you may lose a few pounds. With my first, I was very thin, and gained about 50+…