isabel_gets_healthy_25 Member


  • Hi Hannah! I’m Isabel from England 😊 I’ve been in the same boat as you in that cycle of starting a diet on Monday morning only to undo my efforts at the weekend! So frustrating! I’m just focusing on taking it day by day now, making healthy decisions everyday whilst still allowing myself treats without stressing or…
  • I’ve sent you a friend request - congrats on your weight loss so far!
  • I feel ya! Super frustrating :s How long have you been in your plateau? If it's only been a week or two then I wouldn't change anything up just yet. Be patient, keep doing what you're doing and wait to see if the scale catches up with you. If it's been longer than a few weeks then maybe it's time to switch things up. Not…
  • I feel your pain because I've been there myself! The best advice I could give is to just start small and work from there. I think we all try to be "perfect" when we start a new diet / fitness routine but going from one extreme to another just isn't realistic or sustainable so inevitably we struggle and give up only to…
  • The only way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake. The best way of doing this is by creating a small calorie deficit - this way you won't feel so hungry - no surprises you are hungry if only eating 1,000 calories a day, you're literally starving. A lot of people don't like to hear/read this because it won't give…
  • Hey! I've sent you a friend request :smile:
  • Hi! I can definitely relate! - 24, female - looking for friends for accountability and inspiration - grown up overweight and have been on just about every diet under the sun I determined to lose weight for good this time by focusing on finding a healthy balance with food. I know that if I can do that then I will lose…
  • I'm 100% in the same situation as you. I'm all or nothing - I'm either on a restrictive diet and going to the gym as often as possible or I'm having a blow out binge where I'll literally stuff myself until I feel physically sick! My long term goal is still to lose weight but my main focus (because I know I can't achieve…
  • Add me! I'm looking for friends too!