dw1305 Member


  • Good morning my clothes are baggy! Every 20 lbs I lose I'll treat myself to an outfit or two. 2 months ago post pregnancy I was 227 I started IF 18 hours a day with tons of water & two cups of coffee. I keep putting off going to the cricut gym but I have to go it's just a struggle because I'm out of shape. 7.25 Sw 204 Gw…
  • Hello everyone I would love to join started keto 7.25 Sw 204 Gw for August??? Gw overall 125 Sunday 8/05: 196.8 Sunday 08/12: Sunday 08/19: Sunday 08/26: Friday 08/31: I just gave birth to a handsome baby boy so I'm not as active but this week I plan on doing home workouts & plan on joining a circuit gym training next week