I was never underweight. I ate what i wanted when i wanted and stayed at about 112lbs my whole adult life. To assume i have body image issues is hurtful. I turned 40. My body is changing whether it be hormonal or something else I don’t know. I’ve gained weight in my belly area in the last couple of years. I don’t like it…
Actually I don’t have unrealistic expectations. I have gained nearly 10lbs in the last 2 years and most of it in my belly area. I’ve never been this heavy as I’ve always been naturally thinner. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve gained weight which for someone who’s never had any issues is hard to deal with. I see nothing wrong…
I feel like you and I have the same issue. I’m 5.5 weigh about 120 and I hate my belly area. I do have excess fat around my middle and have love handles (more like don’t touch me handles) I apologize for the bra and panties pic. But really it’s no worse than a bikini.