rickfit73 Member


  • I'm a little late to reply but I think I can add to the discussion. I'm a lifelong binge eater and spent most of my life at least 100+ lbs overweight with my highest over 400. I'd binge daily and my mind was always on food. If I'd start a 'diet' by day 2 my brain and stomach would be signaling that I was starving and near…
  • For me there's a mental benefit. Hitting my daily calorie target on 2 meals in 8 hours gets me 2 generous meals. I don't feel deprived. Plus my urges have gone down as my brain has relearned that it's ok to go for longer periods without food. I used to want to eat all the time.
  • Good luck on the Phentermine. I've been using it since Dec with good results working closely with my Dr. I started on 1/2 pill for about 10 days then transitioned to the full dose. I was a binge eater who struggled to lose weight for years. The medicine gave me instant relief from my 24x7 cravings. My brain calmed down and…