I’m next door to Texas?! That counts right?
Omgosh - I was just coming in here to look for friends! 🤗 now I don’t feel so bad lol
Sleeping in! It rarely happens!!! 🙏🏼☀️
Added you! Happy Monday!
Was looking into the PHUL workout next! 12 week program I think.. it will be my last program before I cut early next year! Let me know your thoughts on it!
Staying on track — with pizza tonight🤫
And now Tuesday, lol
Added you all! Happy Monday! ☀️
That’s a good exercise!
Introducing myself! Upper 30s - looking for support with strength training mostly, right now. :) but all positive vibes are welcomed!
TGIF ☀️❤️
My favorite is deadlifts - prob because it’s the heaviest form of lifting I do lol
Hi! 👋🏼☺️