suzduz Member


  • Hello, I recently turned 60 and 2 weeks ago had a MAJOR health scare. I had very painful diverticulitis and was in the hospital for observation for 2 days (while being administered intravenous antibiotics). Thank God I didn't have to have surgery, but my goodness WHAT A WAKE UP CALL!! I've been a member of myfitnesspal for…
  • I have seen exactly the same thing with my dieting. I only have a 5 oz glass of wine/day. I find that if I go over on calories, it doesn't matter if it's the wine calories.
  • A little about me. I'm 57 and have been successful with MyFitnessPal in the past. I had a total knee replacement 1.5 years ago, and just got out of shape after that surgery. I'm a business owner and my work involves a fair amount of fieldwork. One of my key employees just quit, so I've decided instead of hiring I will just…
  • Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I know I don't eat enough protein. I need to work on that. I will have more for dinner this evening. Thank you! Forgot to post my name: Suzanne, Western Washington
  • Hello, I re-started MyFitnessPal 33 days ago. I'm doing great with Breakfast, Lunch and Exercise. My challenge is in the evening when I come home from work. I have a small dinner and then snack and snack and snack. I've tried lower calories snacks that I like (100 calorie fudgesickles, etc), but I end up eating too many.…