wirving27 Member


  • There are plenty of resistance exercises that you can do to help. As long as your doctor approves. You can do upper body lower body split with the lower body coming from machines to start until you rehab the ankle. Feel free to reach out anytime love to help!
  • It definitely works for me. I do the 16-8 method it helps me keep from over eating during the day. It's hard to over eat when you barely have time to eat haha! Whatever works for your schedule though don't over stress!
  • There's a lot of combinations you can do whichever you enjoy most is recommended. I do push pull so bench and rowing so I'm working both sides. That's what I enjoy. Again it's all about you and what is best for your journey!
  • Good luck on your journey be sure to set realistic timelines and goals! Feel free to reach out to me if you need any help! It can be done with dedication to a diet and exercise program just be sure to trust the process and don't get discouraged.
  • Great idea! Keep at it!
  • Is there any type of exercise program you follow? Chasing around a little one definitely helps though!