What should I wear?
She's everywhere on here....
Soft touch
I'm curious what your top half looks
A huge collection of Care Bears from her childhood.
Family Ties
Soft Rock
You really GOT a hold on me...Smokey Robinson
Yes, head on collision at 45 mph in 2002. HYE Had an embarrassing moment on a date...?
Waiting with her boyfriend Anthony0779 under the bleachers to finish smoking....😉
Hiding ME in the
Hell yeah, who wants some....!!
Like Strawberry Shortcake
To a mountain top with an amazing view. Bring a blanket, picnic basket, and an Ipad to watch a movie under the stars....
Wheel chair doing wheelies all day. Win 250 million dollars and have a year and a half to live, or live pay check to pay check for 25 years.
Bay Area California
Amanda Bynes
No, but a definite YES on the beautiful girl above him....😉
Yum...!! Shrimp Ceviche
Her husband showed up....
The sign my yearbook girl / vollyball star
The Most Interesting Man in the World
Benicia Ca. Union Pacific Railroad night crew.....YOZ31R The Dirty Thirty....!!!
One Night In Bangkok
Create a wolfpack and party in Vegas...