Lynden74 Member


  • You've got me thinking... My all-or-nothing brain tries to do 100% whole/unprocessed/from scratch and then I eventually get in trouble. Fortunately I don't drink my calories - I'm a water, tea person. But I am going to look for a good protein bar to have at work and yes, love the idea of the simple wrap. I was just…
  • @penny9121 Same here. I eat my emotions, live alone and am introverted so reaching out takes extra effort. I am a feeler so very affected by the world around me and food plays in here. So many opportunities for change 😁! Hoping if I stay the course, lose some weight and feel better I will have the confidence and energy to…
  • Is it because the food you eat isn't searchable or because you have your own recipes? You can import recipes from online that can help with macro breakdown or manually enter your own recipes ingredients yourself. Not sure if this helps or if I've answered your question...
  • I recently did this, but quit at about day 30. I work 12 hour shifts so fitting in the workouts got pretty difficult (and they were light yoga and walking so not intense). I also found it was too much water for me so I switched to half my body weight in ounces. The daily progress photos only made me depressed and want to…
  • Thanks for your thoughts @springlering62. Just to clarify... I wasn't able to stay the course with Paleo for more than a few days (other than committing to a Whole30 and then falling back into old habits). But I had constant food guilt and feeling like a failure b/c I wasn't successful sticking with Paleo. When I've tried…
  • Following... Also need to lose 50 lb to be in a healthy BMI range.