Anyone can add me ^_^ always need new friends lol
Date ^_^
Robinson's orange squash XD
I always like having new friends ^_^
Has a cute smile ^_^
Yes ^_^
I think I would be fine :smile:
Handsome and well groomed
No but wouldn't mind to ^_^ I'll talk to anyone lol
Adorable with beautiful hair :smile:
I would accept ^_^
Watching Netflix so very distracted lol
Watching netflix before I work out - intense stare activate XD
Really pretty eyes and nice hair :smile:
Looking cool in those glasses ^_^
Yes ^_^
I like having more friends ^_^ I need people to talk to
Accept ^_^
Looks athletic and determined ^_^
Super chill on the beach ^_^
Tall with cute eyes ^_^
My dog Bennie ^_^ labrador/staffy mix (He didn't want me to take his ball away) Not a puppy but acts like one
Picture after my haircut ^_^
- I've been listening to this non-stop XD
Dedicated ^_^
I've never had Quinoa but I'm always down to try new things and that looks sooo good. I will give it a go some time, thank you ^_^
That looks amazing and soooo yummy. I would give that a go ^_^
I would ^_^
Yeah, I would be okay XD