The6TthSister Member


  • Yes, I'm sure I need to take more time to do research. It was such a brand new thought to me, I was curious if others had heard of it, and I was left in the dark on something that was common knowledge!? Thanks everyone! All of it is so interesting to me. I'm so intrigued with the effect that what we eat can have on our…
  • Thanks for sharing! I am so glad keto is treating you and your PCOS well! That's awesome! I think I will do more research on the flax and chia seeds. I have only been diagnosed with Endo and hormonal problems since May, so I am still trying to learn everything that I can regarding either.
  • Wow! I find that all super interesting! I am really wanting to work with nutrition for my issues as much as possible. I haven't found much related to keto and endometriosis. If be curious if anyone has experience with that. But it is huge if the keto helps the hormones! I would love to get my hormones straightened out!…