FPmama Member


  • I do 16/8 every day and then on days when I know I have a social event I’ll do 18/6 to limit my eating window. I fast because the smaller my eating window is the less likely it is that I will binge and pick all day. I’ve never been a breakfast person even when I was younger in school so I found i was fasting in the morning…
  • I started my weight loss journey Keto after I had my second child. My goal was to lose 25kgs. I went from being a size 8-10 to a 16 whilst pregnant with my first born and I didn’t lose it all before I was pregnant with my second. I lost 15kgs with Keto and it helped me to learn to stop starving myself, not be afraid of…
  • Few suggestions -Allow yourself 1 low cal desert every night. -Drink tea or low cal hot choc -Snack on cucumber, celery -if you really want to snack Add your night time snacks to your diary at the beginning of the day. So it’s accounted for -portion your serving or buy preportioned low cal options I found having less…