Yeah I totally know the price that comes with having a 6 pack with the body type that I have, but honestly I’m willing to pay it you know. To be happy with myself and the self esteem that I need and all the benefits I know from heart will come once I get there? There no price in doing that (for me). And actually I’ve been…
I know right lol, thanks bro 4 real! Yeah I know for a fact that it will be a long journey to achieve the goals that I want, that recomp. As I mention before on the prior post, I’m in despair so every piece of advice it’s well taken! Peace 🙏🏼
Nah nah I totally get where you coming from fam! For sure, but that’s the thing in life actually, what’s really the “truth”? All the videos I see and the pieces I read they back it up with scientific proof and studies from various universities, I’m not just gonna sit there and believe everything I see or hear, but one of…
Yeah totally! In other words that’s what I’m after, reducing the body fat that I have on my belly, love handles, and the chest, while gaining whatever muscle mass I can in the process.