cwtchandcuppa Member


  • Keep going! I felt the same I gained a pound on holiday, I’m doing the same goal too currently 170lbs and goal weight 160! I get stuck at this weight too but try not to feel downheartened -push through it and you’ll see results soon enough x
  • Thank you for the support! I have actually just been on holiday this week and put on one pound-but not feeling too down about it. Fasting today. Looking forward to getting back in the gym on Monday too. We can do this! Keep going everyone x
  • Gender: Female Age: 30 Height: 5' 7” Starting weight: 182lbs - Sept 2018 Current weight: 169lbs - 25th Oct Goal weight: 160lbs 18/10/18 - 171lbs - I started going to the gym 3 times a week from the 1st of October, and I’m calorie counting trying to stay below 1500 most days, and below 1000 calories two days a week (sort of…
  • Gender: Female Age: 30 Height: 5' 7” Starting weight: 182lbs - Sept 2018 Current weight: 171lbs - Oct 2018 Goal weight: 160lbs 18/10/18 - I started going to the gym 3 times a week from the 1st of October, and I’m calorie counting trying to stay below 1500 most days, and below 1000 calories two days a week (sort of like the…