MsBaz2018 - not by any means a helpful comment! The site does not ONLY track calories, if that were the case I would not have signed up. I wanted to get away from the old calorie counting thing.
I have researched this plan well and I already do most if not all of the given advice I.e. Avocados, nuts, heavy cream instead of yoghurt, coconut oil, cheese, eggs etc. are all in the food plan along with additional protein powder as and when. I add avocado oil to salads and use butter too. I am quite active and even on…
I list fibre and deduct that from gross carbs to get my net. I do eat fish - that helps. I eat double cream and butter, just doesn't add to many calories though! Thanks for response.
I already eat lots and a varied amount of vegetables. I could up my eggs and cheese consumption that would add calories and as I don't eat meat I am aware I need to keep my protein levels up so I sometimes add protein powder if I feel I am under. The advice differs from site to site as to how many net carbs are necessary…
I would recommend flax seeds (linseeds). I always have these in my toasted seed mix anyway but I recommended a tbs a day for a friend who was constipated and they worked wonders for her. Give them a try as part of a mix for cereal or salad sprinkling or on their own for relief!