I think I'll hand a salad. I never did salads...ever....
You're not a failure. Online dating is just evil. Been there...done it. I had everything from one who thought the mafia was after him to a dude that lived in his brother's basement and collected baseball cards and toys. Like others have said, get out and join the community. You never know what out there! You have a lot of…
This is like my millionth time around. I need to lose 100 as well. Hopped on the scale today and was devastated to see I gained most of the weight I lost (almost 100 pounds). Add me...I could always use the motivation!
You constantly judge people for people who wear their clothes too tight, yet yours are screaming because they're having a hard time holding you in.....
Watching Bad Santa when I know I should be cleaning the house... :-/
I'm somewhere between a 4 and a 5. I'm. Okay with that....least I'm not a 1. lol
Secret Life Of Pets.
I can cook like nobody's business..which would probably explain why I'm so fat. 😂