I had super random meals but under calories today :) Breakie: 2 servings of yogurt Cheerios with a cup skim milk, coffee with a splash of skim Post run: ciabatta roll with homemade jam Lunch: a small piece of homemade cherry turnover and a plain ham sandwich Snack: black coffee and kind bar and 3 seaweed snacks Dinner: ham…
Thank y’all so much for the responses!! I think I know deep down a lot of the sugary crap has to go I just don’t want to admit it lol. I did stock up on some Atkins shakes because I like those and some fruit to hopefully snack on instead of candy goldfish and stuff. I do eat a good amount of protein but I eat almost no…
aspartame is not the devil and coke zero rocks my world Pepsi tastes like regret Cheese and ice cream are a little overrated (not Brie tho) nuts as a snack option are seriously overrated and a bad idea (for me at least lol)