Heatherreneefit41 Member


  • 3 miles and I wouldn't classify myself as a runner at all. Just do it periodically for a change in routine.
  • Love Insanity and Shaun T! Did 3 rounds! Pace yourself. Take breaks when needed. Stay hydrated and stretch.
  • Yeah, I'm building legs and glutes! Abs are a bit overrated if you ask me. After carrying 4 babies, I'm just happy to have gotten rid of my love handles and still working on the pooch.
  • I'm an early bird and workout at 5am M-F. I lift weights 5 days a week, 3 heavy leg days, and 2-3 days of steady state cardio for 20 minutes or HIIT. My workout are no more than an hour and 15 minutes when lifting. I follow a lot of programs by Bodybuilding.com and I make up my own.
  • Ladies, feel to add me for support and motivation. I'm a mom of 3 young men/boys and have been at 6 years. My goal is to continue building lean muscle and keep trying new endeavors in the fitness arena. Let's motivate each other!!
  • I say whatever fits your schedule. I'm most productive in the am. Therefore, I workout in at 5am each morning....works best and it's done and outta the way. I'm not sure of their's a science behind either. IDK.
  • Welcome to MFP! I have been on my journey to be fit and healthy 6 years and still maintaining. Been a member of MFP since 2012 but had to start a new account as of last night. My former name was frofitmom39. Feel to add me!