taiye99 Member


  • Hello I would love to join a small group to also keep me accountable. I’m also a mom of 3, weigh 240, my goal is 180 but want to keep it a small goal of 220 first then work my way down. Let me know if you like to keep each accountable to reach our goals.
    in Hello All Comment by taiye99 August 2022
  • Hello I’m Taiye, 35, mom of 3, and size 18. Looking to join a support group. Honestly I haven’t worn jeans since I knew I was pregnant which was last year in June. After having my baby, we have been on lock down.
  • Hello everyone. My SW after having my baby was 315, and now 296. My struggle this year is been consistent. My goal weight is 220. I’m in need of the support and buddy.
  • Aww thank you and thank you for the welcome.
  • Hello everyone, I joining in really late. I’m Taiwo SW: 315 CW: 296 GW: 288 LTGW: 200-220 Weigh ins: Sunday 11/18/18 = 11/25/18 Total WL/G for the month =