tonybrown1930 Member


  • Like others I'd suggest hip flexor stretches/exercises. I would however strongly recommend going to see a good sports physio. It can be tough to diagnose what the exact issue is from your explanation, could be hip flexor, could be osteoarthritis or something else. A physio will be able to pinpoint the issue and best…
  • Aim is 322 km/ 200 miles, running walking for the month. 1 Feb. 23,411 steps 15.1km run, 4.2 km walk 2 Feb 17,969 steps 10.5 km run, 3.6 3 Feb 17,492 steps 12.9 km run, 2.1 4 Feb 10, 872 steps 2.6 km walk. 5 Feb 27,550 steps 15.1 km run, 7.4 km walk 6 Feb 16,841 steps 15.0 km run, 7 Feb 13,495 steps 8.5 km run, 2.6 km walk…
  • I expect to get 5-600 miles as a minimum out of mine,basically a good 1000 miles+. I have 5 or 6 pairs on rotation. I have known once that I had a ITB twinge when ever I wore one pair. They were at around 1000 miles, so dropped them out the rotation. I don't think there is a need to retire running shoes at a fixed time.…
  • I had covid for the 1st time, in the first week of January. A bit of a fever and feeling washed out for a couple of days, but symptoms fairly mild. I was running 40 to 50 miles a week pre covid. I stopped running, I did go out for 30 minute walks everyday for a week. After a week I started running again, limiting it to 30…