rebekahbagnall210 Member


  • Also congratulations on making the choice to make a change, it’s hard to tell yourself it’s time, I know. But when you’re ready you can do anything you put your mind to, and no one will be able to stop you!
  • Try to incorporate a lot of fruits and veggies to your diet, and don’t only use meat as a protein, a lot of people make the mistake of eating more meat to gain protein, but eating lentils or beans are an easy and filling protein that will help you stay fuller longer. I did that and lost 30 lbs in a short period of time.
  • His smile, and how when I’m around him I feel like if we were together that I would be protected and provided for. Wish I could tell him that though 🙁
  • I avoid honey, it may taste good, but it’s bee vomit, which is pretty gross when you think about it... so I stopped using it. I only use maple syrup for anything I need to sweeten it works just as great and I don’t get grossed out when I think about it coming from a tree lol hope that helps.