buddharivet Member


  • My current mini goal is to get my BMI under 32. It’s at 32.7 right now. I’m trying to use my BMI to judge my progress because the numbers aren’t as “loaded” as pounds are, and I can track it that way on my scale, I just have to not pay attention to the number on the Top of my phone screen, and focus on the number on the…
  • @JustRamona In my case, I have Anthem Blue Cross insurance, and they will pay for the abdominal surgery if you have lost 100 pounds or more, are having rashes or sores, and have either 1) been a stable weight for 1 year if you had weight loss surgery, or 2) lost your weight without weight loss surgery over a slower period…
  • You WILL eventually feel good about yourself! The fact that you have achieved over 2/3rd’s of your intended weight loss shows that you have the strength to make it through. I started with less weight to lose than you have (only 275 pounds to my goal weight), but probably took a lot longer losing it than you have (12…
  • @swimmom_1 I didn’t realize those were ribs! I can see the first one, a little bit. The second one I can feel, but that one and the third one start running into my “kittens”, so I don’t think I’ll ever end up being able to see them.
  • @swimmom_1 I don’t think I’ll be able to see my ribs until after I have the surgery (officially late January-ish now) to get rid of my immense roll of excess skin (my surgeon estimates that it weighs about 20 pounds), but I can feel them Very well under that skin. I’ve taken to hugging my left arm around my right shoulder…
  • So, I still weigh 210 pounds, but I’m wearing the same dress size that I wore when I was 12 years old. So, needless to say, even though I have weighed less as an adult, I have never been this small as an adult (more muscle), and I have always been built like an Amazon. When I started being able to *see* my collarbones and…
  • I have one of the various forms of depression. And it’s very well managed by medication. But it didn’t use to be, I used to very much self medicate with food. And that is one of the reasons I got to be my original very high weight. And over the years I have learned other coping mechanisms. However, this time of year is…
  • I bought a dress in the size that, adjusted for Vanity Sizing, I wore in College when I couldn’t afford to eat! (in College, in the 80’s,, they called it a 14, now the same measurements are called a 12). And it was Very Slinky, and Very Sexy. And looked So AWFUL across my not-yet-surgically-corrected abdomen full of loose…
  • I tried on a T-shirt today that has great emotional significance to me, and it is a size “L”, because that was the only size available at the time (I purchased it at a concert in 2005). And I had worn a 6X when I bought it, so had never, in a million years, had any thought that it would ever actually fit. It was just a…
  • Thank you @Beautyofdreams ! I do try to be an inspiration and a positive role model, but too many of my friends have put me up on a pedestal, and feel that I have done something they could never do. Which is, in reality, probably just an excuse for not Really wanting to do the work that it takes. Any way you look at it,…
  • I can understand completely @Elystriel ! I just went into Torrid and got fitted for a bra because I’ve been wearing the same 3X sports bras for the last 3 years and I had gotten to the point where I had a “una-boob shelf” in them. Before that it was catalog stuff that never fit right or was uncomfortable for over a decade.…
  • I have a very close friend who has gained about 140 pounds post transplant, and while she has managed to stop gaining, she hasn’t been able to lose any yet. I will tell her about you (of course only referring to you as “a person I read about somewhere”) in the hopes that it will inspire her. Knowing that someone else can…
  • I’m back, again! I seem to be racking up the NSV”’s this month like CrazyTime! When I got married, we bought a size 7 silver wedding band for me, because it was on clearance and that was we could afford. Then we found a jeweler who would work in silver jewelry (Not easy), and had it sized up to a 9, which was what fit at…
  • I just took a leap of faith yesterday and spent a bunch of money on the basics for a new wardrobe in the size I expect to be in the winter, both after I’ve lost another size worth of weight on my top and 2 sizes smaller for my tummy, because it’s also having abdominal skin removal surgery, probably in December. I’m being…
  • Thank you so very much for coming to my defense @springlering62 ! I hadn’t even noticed the “disagree” on my post. And now there seems to be one on yours too! Some people’s children! (As my mother used to say)
  • Losing your double chin is a Non Scale Victory that is in the top of the clouds! It made me so happy the first time I noticed it on me. Congratulations! Your hard work is paying off! 🥳🥳🥳
  • Thank you for posting these pictures. Over the last 12 years, I’ve lost 230 pounds as of today (my pictures are a page back), and everyone keeps telling me I don’t look “fat” anymore. But I’m having trouble believing it. However, after I have my skin removal surgery in December, I should weigh about 185-190 pounds (my…
  • I’m back already. It finally happened. I had a friend ask me what my “secret” was, and then discuss nutrition with me and shoot down Every Single Thing I told her to do. I was not in a social circumstance where I felt comfortable saying something along the lines if “Are you seriously trying to tell your friend who has lost…
  • 🤪[/quote] I envy you your onesie. I have no idea where to even get one, or I would totally wear one in public All. The. Time.[/quote] Wally World. Right about now. They’ll sell out by Halloween. There might be more in November for Christmas presents. Also Amazon has them. [/quote] I think I’m going to have to do some…
  • I envy you your onesie. I have no idea where to even get one, or I would totally wear one in public All. The. Time.
  • @LiveOnceBeHappy & @springlering62 Thank you for the kind words! They are deeply appreciated.
  • I always start by telling people it took me 12 years to lose the weight (228 pounds so far), which it technically did. I spent 2 years losing weight and 8 years changing my attitude towards food in ways that didn’t cause me to lose weight, but were permanent, and then 2 more years losing weight. And I only gained back 30…
  • I did, actually, end up buying two dresses, but one of them I bought online when I got to 225, and it hasn’t gotten here yet and I’ve already dropped a size and it will be too big! But my husband sent me shopping last night to get something that fit so I would have a Hell Yeah! outfit, and now I do. It’s under “Pictures…
  • Absolutely! I started out with 3 pinched herniated disks in my back that were painful enough that I was physically dependent on OxyContin (luckily never got addicted), and had arthritis in my knees that made it hard to get up and walk around. Now, I almost never have back pain, and the only times my knees hurt are if I…
  • This is me last night after my husband insisted that I go out and buy something that fit, so I could have a Hell Yeah! outfit. This is me 12 years and 228 pounds ago. I’ve posted here before, but the pictures had to be clicked on to be seen because I didn’t know what I was doing, so I don’t think that many people saw them.…
  • I already have a new one! When I originally stopped waiting tables 35 hours a week and started sitting in an office chair for 40, my “weight gain journey” of 9 years began. And sometime shortly after that, my body chemistry changed and my favorite perfume smelled Awful on me! I just found a small bottle of it that I had…
  • I don’t have to sit down to put on and take off pants any more! I haven’t been able to do that standing up in over 20 years!
  • Have you also been exercising more? If you are building muscle, you may weigh more but actually be smaller, as muscle weighs more than fat. Another possibility is that you may be under eating. If your calorie intake it too low, your body will simply refuse to let you lose weight (my gastroenterologist says this is bull…