I give in…80% of the time.
Hannah Oberg and Stephanie Buttermore have some good beginner programs. Hannah has an app called OWNU which is decently affordable.
This plan seems to work the best for me…but I have trouble sticking to it be I tend to stress eat carbs. Going for consistency this time around.
More friends would be great! 😉💕✌️
“You look great! But your face is a bit too thin…” How the heck are you supposed to gain weight in your face?
Sar, I have had the exact same experiences as you. I do believe it’s possible to disrupt your hunger/satiety signals (possibly permanently) due to ED behaviors. Something I struggle with is knowing what a normal portion is because of all the years of binging. When I eat a normal portion size, I do not feel “full” and a…
Incline chest press with dumbbells and a resistance band (anchor the band behind you on the bench). Be sure to do a mid-rep pause and really squeeze the chest. You’ll feel these the next day if your form is correct.
I can empathize with you. I’ve struggled with binge eating and compulsive overeating since I got sober years ago. It’s like my brain switched addictions and I am still struggling with food. I am a weight lifter so I’m not terribly overweight but the sense of failure at the end of every day is all-consuming. Recently I have…