I have been hassled by another woman at the gym, at least until I called management. She would get in my face in the locker room, every time we were there at the same time and were alone ( I go really early in the AM), and flip out over crazy stuff like me "needing to learn to share space" when we were the only 2 there, as…
I'm 47, and wanting to take charge of my health while I still have the opportunity. I gave up drinking alcohol 2+ yrs ago, and lost 20lbs, but I want to lose another 25. I'd rather be at the lower end of the "healthy for my height and age" weight range, lol. I also want to beat the traps that sneak up on people like…
Thank you! Having firmly entered middle age, I do know I need to reverse some trends, lest I become infirm way too soon. I may not be "serious" by the standards of body builders or self-proclaimed Instagram "models", but I DO want to age into that 90 yr old that amazes people and not the one confined to a nursing home.…
But, of course! Food manufacturers create obesity, bigpharma and doctors create disease and trauma, and cops are responsible for creating criminals. It's never the individual's fault for playing stupid games with their life. Society has just failed people, that's all.