CdnChick Member


  • @msarobix Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. My eating was ok this week. Had a few treats here and there as it was the last week our chef was at work so she tends to make us some desserts before she goes to be with her kids on spring break. I try not to beat myself up though as my workouts have been really good and I…
  • @loonyhiker Thanks! I am logging my food now and keeping track of my calories and macros. I also measured myself on Monday because like you said weight doesn't always tell the story, inches do! I will check again at the end of the month to see how i'm progressing. I think logging everything is going to help a lot. The most…
  • Morning everyone! Well this morning I started my day doing Chest, Shoulders & Triceps then finished up with 40 mins of cardio. I've been very consistent over the past few weeks and this app is amazing so it's also helping me be accountable. I am frustrated though because usually when I eat and workout like I have been I…
  • @whitpauly Thanks! Sorry to hear about your customer but yes I see it all the time. I work with people who are trying to stay AF but it's a struggle for a lot. It doesn't help that it's such a social thing either. I'm so fortunate because my close friends are so supportive in my journey. I calculated my calories I got from…
  • @KristaMac88 I tried the Keto diet as well and we really successful the first time around. I lost almost 20 lbs and felt great. The only problem like you mentioned was that once you go back to carbs even if just for a day it's really hard to sustain which I struggled with as well. I actually ended up gaining the weight all…
    in Macros Comment by CdnChick March 2019
  • I would love to join this challenge if it’s not too late! I just starting using this app about 2 weeks ago and love it. I have an Apple Watch too and would love to have some friends to stay accountable with! I’m not sure how to add people on this yet so feel free to add me:) I used to be really into my health and fitness…
  • In June of this year it will have been 7 years since I last touched a drink. Right before I quit drinking I was on a mission to get in shape as I was 215 lbs. I struggled until I made some healthier choices and giving up alcohol was one of them. I lost 75 lbs after that but of course with my love of food now it’s been hard…
  • I’m new to this app and about a week in! I’m logging daily and love it! Even using the UA record app to track my activities and steps. Always looking for people who are trying to meet there goals and share to help keep each other motivated.