Hi same hefe Igot off track and now ready yo re motivate and start living healthy again live to be friends and help motive eachother 👍
looking for a helath tribe in 2019 to help support and motivate!
Sugar is very hard for me to stay away from, I just emptied my desk of all sugar and had a little panica attack that was my stress go to especially sour gummies! It was like a weird comfort knowing it was there! I have replaced it with sourpatch kids gum and various other flavor gums hoping that helps! The sugar struggle…
Hi I am also looking to gain an online support system to stay motivated and learn from eachother! Ready to get helathy in 2019 feel free to add me, looking for a positive supportive tribe !
Im starting this health journy over again and this time reaching out for a online support system of others that are of the same mindset. I'm ready for some 2019 victories too!!
The last few times that I lost significant weight it was due to overhauling my eating habits. Sure enough when I went back to the bad habits of eating C.R.A.P. and using food for comfort or just mindless eating, the weight all came back fast! Also when logging my food I had to remember to be completely honest with myself…