Hey Guys!! Just turned 30. the time just flies! So I said enough was enough. I aint getting any younger and I want children soon. Getting healthy and pregnant is my reason for losing weight. I need to go through this journey with as many friends as possible. We need to motivated one another. Keep each other in…
Hey Guys!! Just turned 30. the time just flies! So I said enough was enough. I aint getting any younger and I want children soon. Getting healthy and pregnant is my reason for losing weight. I need to go through this journey with as many friends as possible. We need to motivated one another. Keep each other in…
Hey Guys!! Just turned 30. the time just flies! So I said enough was enough. I aint getting any younger and I want children soon. Getting healthy and pregnant is my reason for losing weight. I need to go through this journey with as many friends as possible. We need to motivated one another. Keep each other in…
Hey Guys!! Just turned 30. the time just flies! So I said enough was enough. I aint getting any younger and I want children soon. Getting healthy and pregnant is my reason for losing weight. I need to go through this journey with as many friends as possible. We need to motivated one another. Keep each other in…
Hey Guys!! Just turned 30. the time just flies! So I said enough was enough. I aint getting any younger and I want children soon. Getting healthy and pregnant is my reason for losing weight. I need to go through this journey with as many friends as possible. We need to motivated one another. Keep each other in…
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Hey guys! Just turned 30. Decided enough is enough. I need this weight off. I wanna have a baby, but I dont want to be extremely over weight once I give birth. So I need that motivation and the support and the accountability.
Hi Ladies! I'm Samantha, just turned 30. Dont know if that 30 makes a big difference for you guys. I feel 25 at heart. I'm new to this support group thing. I've been told it works and help for accountability. I have 30lbs to lose. My reason for losing weight is to have a healthy pregnancy and a change in lifestyle Add me!!…
I just started keto on thursday. I do miss the carbs, but I feel good. Start by calculating your macros, which gives you an over all idea as to how much you should be eatting. is a good place to start.
I found a great website page, that helps calculate macros ( This page is also very inspiring. That should be a great start. Then find a meal plan thats easy to follow. Don't complicate yourself. Make adjustments. That's what I'm doing.
Keep putting foward
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