The Wheel of Time epic by Robert Jordan is good, really good, maybe even great. And it would keep you in reading materials for... Months, potentially years. If you like science Something Deeply Hidden by Sean Carroll is amazing, as is Brian Greene's Until The End of Time. These are both physics PhDs who do a great job…
Tulsa was nuts all day yesterday. Even early this morning with the roads clear people were losing their minds.
KCCO, sir
From 2016 to today I'm down from 298 to 181. Been between 175-185 for the last year or so. It's been a fun journey.
I use the Nordic Lifting sleeves. They work fairly well, and I have horrible knees from being a catcher for 20 years. They're $35 on amazon.
I, literally, said out loud, "Good Lord!" You are killin' it.