Whatpatience Member


  • Good advice here already. I'll add that you should probably avoid doing hard cardio sessions in the evening because the increased cortisol levels can make it harder to go to sleep (at least it does for me).
  • Potato-quality image from one of my hikes this summer in western Norway. There's not much that beats being up in the mountains here on a nice day.
  • Not saying the scales BF% measurement is accurate, but your BF% will actually change depending on how hydrated you are. That's just simple math.
  • Most likely your apple watch is trying to adjust by adding negative calories, but you haven't allowed that in mfp settings so it ends up as zero. You add calories when you excercise, but to be accurate your watch also needs to subtract the calories you would have burned if you were not active during that time period.…
  • Yeah he very easily could have died from cardiac arrest, stroke etc even while under medical supervision. But it's not impossible, just a really bad idea.
  • Really? What about this guy? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2495396/
  • Extra weight may or may not work depending on the terrain. It'll only take extra energy when you're accelerating or if you're riding an incline after all. I suppose you could just drag your brakes, but that might cost you a bit for brake pad replacements...
  • Probably because it's needlessly pedantic. I believe people understand that there is a "by volume" implied in the statement. It's like someone saying semi-trailers weigh more than cars and you going "nuh-uh a pund of trailer weighs the same as a pound of car".
  • As you get fitter your heart doesn’t have to work as hard as it used to when you’re not exercising. This is a good thing.
  • If Treks claims are true this is a nice improvement over mips. I'd love to see some independent corroboration though, right now we only have Treks word for it. P.S Helmets do not degrade due to age so I wouldn't worry about that. Get a new one if it gets damaged or if it's a feature/safety upgrade.
  • You might be interested in this: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=169669523&page=1 TLDR: Research suggests that you can only burn a small fraction of your body fat each day (0.8-0.9%). 0.8% of 10 kgs of fat is obviously a lower number of calories than 0.8% of 20 kgs of fat, so as you have less fat you can…