mrrick51 Member


  • I was going nuts looking for the news feed. I use it to record my daily sleep, misc health items, how I feel and weight. I can look back to see patterns etc. I also look at others to see potential friends. This is very important to bring it back![
  • Jas0441, I'm Rick, 72 yrs old and in answer to how things are going, for me, I'm amazed at how well Monjaro has worked for me. I started out about 250 lbs. and had an initial goal of 195 the upper limit for a 6' tall man. It's now Day 311 on Mounjaro. New low 198.5 lbs yesterday . Still no appetite at all after Tuesday M…
  • Hello all. I'm at 295 days, 42 weeks, and am now down about 50 lbs. All my numbers, No more diabetes, Normal cholesterol ( After having extremely high numbers my whole life ) and Blood pressure averaging 125 -128 over 72 - 74 evevery day for weeks. I've gone from 44 pants size to 36. Nearly at my goal now, I should be…
  • Update: I'm at 173 days on Mountjaro now, losing roughly 28 pounds during that time. I'm continuing on ther 10 dose but may modify the frequency of taking it. I've pretty much decided to take a shot every 9 days instead of 7. As long as I don't start feeling hungry or famished that should enable me to continue losing…
  • Hi everyone, It's Rick here. I'm at 262 days on Mounjaro and I hit a new low of 214 lbs! I was eating very lightly during the holidays, didn't really gain anything, but did have some very full almost gerd feelings, maybe because of the few alcoholic drinks I took. I think I'm back to watching everything I eat and starting…
  • grmabea63, I've been using protein powder to help hit my daily protein goals. I feel it is helping me recover after excercise.
  • I hit 215.8 this morning after 151 days on Mounjaro. SW -241 CW -215.8 GW -190. Only 25 lbs to go! My total weight loss will be 75 lbs whem I hit 190! This includes weight lost 2 years ago and never gained back.
  • Hey everyone here, I started a new group for people like us, . Please join and help make this a resource for everyone1 Thanks!
  • Thank you ilene, I hope it can be a resource for everyone.
  • I started with about 400, staying close to that regularely. My dietition suggested that my metabolism had slowed to accomadate the lower caloric intake and thought based on my desired weight I should be aiming for 1800 a day with more balanced catgories, 35% carb, 35% protein and the rest fat calories. While that seems to…
  • Ilene, That's what I feel too. My "drug use" is only for the help in losing while I build good habits for the rest of my life. After all, I don't expect to be on Mounjaro or similar for the rest of my life. I lost 25 - 30 pounds a couple years ago and didn't gain it back, now I just need a good start for the next 50 (20 is…
  • Eli Lilly just got a new tirzepatide drug, Zepbound, approved for weightloss use. It is apparently the same or similar to Mounjaro which was approved for Diabetes use, but has excellant weight loss effects. This should help alleviate the Mounjaro shortages.
  • Hi, my name is Rick . I've been using MFP for a year or so but never availed my self of all it's features other than tracking food. I've just started a new group, that you can join if you like. " New Group to inspire, help people using tirzepatide or semaglutide & other soon to be released" This medication has done wonders…
  • Hello, 9 days in on a more or less diet. 50 pounds off is the goal 40 would be amazing, and if I ever did 60 and be at my reccomended weight I'd probably drop dead of excitement. That's all folks, good luck with your goals.