aliciamcielesz Member


  • I noticed that I start to go into a funk when I PMS. Sorry for the TMI but when my hormones start to go all whacky (gotta love being a female) I start getting a little down on myself, I'm lazy and tired and want to just say screw it and eat whatever I want. I have to just take a mental minute, envision myself being in a…
  • It’s hard to see the progress because you look at yourself everyday, but other people will definitely notice. I’ve come to find that taking progress pictures from week to week that way you can really see the progression, really helps! Hang in there! I can’t wait to get to 30 pounds. Feel free to add me I’m looking for…
  • Also, women only please. I am married and if I had any men on here it would cause a problem I do not need. Thanks!
  • Hello I am Alicia. I’m almost 24 this year, I am married and have two children and two step children. I am an LPN for two years now, but currently a SAHM for my little boy who turns one tomorrow and my daughter is almost 4 in pre-K. My step daughter is almost 8 and my step son is almost 6. I am currently getting my…
  • I have been worrying about the same thing but honestly it’s better to just focus on the task ahead, and worry about that later. I’ve already made the decision that once I lose all the weight I need to I’ll be getting the excess skin removed if I have any, and getting a boob lift lol especially after two children and breast…
  • Hello! Looking for new friends. CW 286. GW is 150! I have changed my lifestyle for eight days now and I know there is no going back!